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Trust Our Ontario Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

A spinal cord injury is one of the most devastating someone can suffer, completely altering their life in seconds. While no amount of money can undo the repercussions of such a catastrophic event, the lawyers at Miskin Law have the experience to recover compensation to enable a victim to live the fullest life possible in difficult circumstances.

woman fall down the stairs because slippery surfaces

The Severe Ramifications of a Spinal Injury

Many types of accidents can cause a spinal cord injuries, such as motor vehicle collisionsboating accidents, and even slip and falls. Such injuries can lead to life-long paralysis and chronic pain, which result in significant limitations and impairments. Not surprisingly, therefore, claims resulting from spinal cord injuries often attract significant compensation, including for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Assistive equipment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Home modifications
  • Attendant care
  • Housekeeping assistance

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries


Quadriplegia is a severe form of paralysis affecting all four limbs and the torso. People living with this condition no longer have the ability to move these parts of their body, and may also have difficulty controlling their breathing, bladder, and bowel functions. A victim of quadriplegia requires comprehensive medical care and support to manage their day-to-day activities.


Paraplegia is a form of paralysis affecting the body below the waist. Individuals with paraplegia lose the ability to feel sensation in or move their legs and lower body. This condition not only impacts mobility; it also affects one’s overall physical health and quality of life.

Incomplete Spinal Injuries

This occurs when an individual retains some degree of sensation or mobility below the level of the injury. Related conditions include:

  • Anterior cord syndrome
  • Central cord syndrome
  • Posterior cord syndrome
  • Brown Sequard syndrome

Woman holding neck at scene of car accident in Ontario, Canada

How We Achieve Our Clients’ Goals

The team at Miskin Law works hand in hand with a team of medical experts to methodically build your case. We have innovative ways to illustrate your challenges and the costs associated with meeting them. Ultimately, our goal is to help you lead as productive and independent a life as possible, despite your injury.

Our spinal cord injury lawyers serve Peterborough, Durham Region, Lindsay, and surrounding areas. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don’t pay unless we obtain a settlement or judgment for you. Find out how Miskin Law can help you recover from a spinal cord injury. To get started, get in touch with us for a consultation. Our Ontario legal professionals will present all viable options.

We’re Here to Help! Contact Us Today for a Free Case Evaluation