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Frequently Asked Questions

Miskin Law is one of the country’s leading personal injury and civil litigation firms that has settled over $40 million in verdicts and claims. We have answered some of the most frequent questions that our clients ask us. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us today and we will be happy to discuss your case with you.

We have three offices. Our main office is in Peterborough, at 351 Charlotte St. We also have offices in Whitby, at 223 Brock St. North, and Lindsay, at 223 Kent St. West.

Our Peterborough office is open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We will attend at our Whitby and Lindsay offices by appointment. You can call us and leave a message any time of day, and someone will return your call the next business day. If necessary, we will travel to your home or the hospital to meet with you.

It is advised that you call us to make an appointment with a lawyer, regardless of which office you wish to meet at. This will ensure that a lawyer is available to meet with you, and allows us to obtain some preliminary information with respect to your case or matter to ensure that the meeting is as productive as possible.

Our Peterborough and Whitby offices are fully accessible. Our Peterborough office has a wheelchair ramp. Our Whitby office has a stair lift.

You have the option of filing a claim with WSIB, or allowing us to apply to Asbestos Trusts for compensation, but not both. Normally, we can recover a lot more compensation for you. Contact us and we can assess your case.

It can take anywhere from 3 months to a year to begin receiving compensation from Asbestos Trusts. Claims are processed faster if the injured person is alive than if they are deceased. If a claim is denied, we will file an appeal on your behalf, but this also takes more time. We can obtain compensation for you from up to 20 trusts, depending on your exposure.

If possible, get the other driver’s insurance and contact information, notify your insurance company, inform the police, take photos of the accident scene, and obtain the names and contact information of any witnesses.

If you’re injured as a driver, passenger, cyclist or pedestrian, your auto insurer will pay for some treatment and other medical expenses, and some income loss if you’re off work, even if you were at fault. If the accident is the other driver’s fault and your injuries are sufficiently serious or you’ve suffered a substantial loss of income, you may bring a claim against the other driver in court for pain and suffering, income loss, a loss of housekeeping capacity, and out-of-pocket expenses.

No. We do not charge any upfront fees or expenses for handling your claim. Only if and when we obtain a settlement will we take a reasonable percentage on account of fees. Expenses that we incur to handle your claim are usually paid by the other side.

One will costs $400, plus tax. Two wills cost $600, plus tax. One power of attorney is $200, while two powers of attorney (for personal care and property) are $300, plus tax. If we prepare a will and power of attorney, or two types of power of attorney, there’s a $50 discount. If we prepare a will and two types of power of attorney, there’s a discount of $100.

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