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Radio Interviews

Miskin Law has over 40 years of experience in a wide range of legal areas and now focuses on personal injury and estates. In these brief interviews we explain your rights and take the mystery and misunderstanding out of the law.


The Miskin Moment! – November 26, 2021

Can you be terminated for not getting Covid vaccinations? – December 17, 2021

What a motor vehicle accident MIG injury is, & do you need a lawyer if you have one? – December 31, 2021

Dangers related to asbestos – January 14, 2022

Who gets your money if you die without a will? – January 28, 2022

Who is responsible if a dog injures a person? – February 11, 2022

How children can sue for injury to them – February 25, 2022

Do common law spouses have the same rights as married couples? – March 11, 2022

Can family members sue a person who caused the death of a loved one? – March 25, 2022

A critical deadline to be aware of if you’ve been injured on city property – April 15, 2022

Things to be aware of before attempting to challenge a will – April 29, 2022

The Johnson and Johnson baby powder class action law suit – May 13, 2022

The Round Up class action lawsuit for causing Non Hodgkins Lymphoma – May 27, 2022

Obligations people have to family members in their wills – June 10, 2022

An alternative form of dispute resolution that can help avoid trial and court cases – June 24, 2022

What is the difference between civil and criminal jury trials? – July 14, 2022

How civil jury trials work – July 29, 2022

What is a contingency fee? – August 12, 2022

No fault car insurance – August 26, 2022

What is third party liability automobile insurance and how much you should have? – September 16, 2022

What class action law suits are & how they work – September 30, 2022

The difference between third party & accident benefit car insurance – October 14, 2022

Time limitation periods for injury claims in Ontario – October 28, 2022

What does the term probate mean? – November 11, 2022

If a pedestrian or cyclist is in a hit and run accident can they get financial compensation? – November 25, 2022

What are general damages in a personal injury suit? – December 16, 2022

Can you sue if you are injured on someone’s property? – December 30, 2022

What are special damages in a civil law suit? – January 13, 2023

Can someone claim a loss of income in a personal injury case? – January 27, 2023

Can you sue if you were injured on a recreation trail? – February 10, 2023

What are the odds a residential home has asbestos in it? – February 24, 2023

Why Canadians don’t see multi-million dollar court judgements like you do in the United States? – March 10, 2023

If you’re hit by an uninsured driver are you still covered? – March 24, 2023

How do Canadian injury class actions compare to similar American claims? – April 14, 2023

If you were at fault for a car accident, could you still sue? – April 28, 2023

Can a person have more than one valid Will? – May 12, 2023

Should parents transfer assets to their children before they die or in their Wills? – May 26, 2023

Are there Ontario laws people riding e-bikes should be aware of? – June 9, 2023

What should people know about boating accidents & injury claims – June 23, 2023

Who is liable if someone drowns in a swimming pool? – July 14, 2023

Does your home or auto insurance cover your ATV? – July 28, 2023

What is a living will? – Aug 11, 2023

What is a power of attorney for property? – Aug 25, 2023

If a client tells you he or she is guilty of the crime, how can you represent them? – Sept. 8, 2023

If a guilty criminal client wants to present false evidence what should their lawyer do? – Sept 29, 2023

If someone has been exposed to asbestos can they file a claim? – Oct 13, 2023

What are Canadians’ rights if they’re injured in a car accident in the United States? – Oct 27, 2023

Are insurance companies allowed to put you under surveillance if you are making a claim? – Nov 10, 2023

If a person living common law dies without a Will, what does their spouse inherit? – Dec 15, 2023

A change coming to Ontario auto insurance in 2024 – Dec 29, 2023

The Roundup Weed Killer class action lawsuit was recently certified in Canada. What does that mean? – Jan 12, 2024

How Australia recently banned a stone commonly used for kitchen countertops – Jan 26, 2024

Personal care powers of attorney (sometimes called “Living Wills”) – Feb 9, 2024

The danger of Will kits and home made Wills – Feb 23, 2024

Lost Wills and how best to store your Will – Mar 8, 2024

The high cost of going to court – Mar 22, 2024

How assets outside of Ontario are dealt with in a Will – Apr 12, 2024

How do most lawyers charge for their services? – April 26, 2024

Updates on the talcum powder cancer claims and a possible settlement – May 10, 2024

What is an estate trustee? – May 24, 2024

If you’re injured in an Ontario motor vehicle accident that is not your fault, can you make a claim against the at fault driver for your injury? – June 7, 2024

Information about claims related to Smith and Nephew hip implants – June 21, 2024

Which insurance company should you contact if you are a passenger injured in an accident while in someone else’s car? – July 12, 2024

Can motorcycle modifications impact your insurance in the event of an accident? – July 26, 2024

Does baby powder contain asbestos? – Aug 9, 2024

Are there special will requirements for indigenous people? – Aug 23, 2024

Murray discusses how Miskin Law gives back to the community by supporting arts, sports and charitable causes – Sept 13, 2024

Should parents transfer their home ownership to their adult children before they die to save on estate costs? – Sept 27, 2024

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