Losing a loved one is always painful and difficult. But if this loss occurs due to the wrongful act of another, the pain is that much more…
Everyone knows that marriage is a commitment of love to one another. Fewer people understand the full implications of the legal…
If a child or minor is injured, can they sue? We’re often asked this question, so we decided to share the answer.
Children (defined as…
Dogs are our companions, partners and even family members.
Our relationship with them is so strong that we refer to them as “man’s best…
If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident and have an injury, should you contact a lawyer?
That depends on a few…
While every new year brings changes and surprises, it’s safe to say that 2020 delivered more changes and surprises than anyone would have…
Welcome to the Miskin Moment!
So what exactly is a Miskin Moment?
Miskin Moments will be an ongoing series of interviews that…
If you’re injured as a passenger in a car involved in an accident, you have the right to claim for injuries and damages, no matter who…
Concussions and other brain injuries are more common than you may think. It’s not necessary to experience a serious impact to suffer the…
Your Trusted Accident Lawyers in Peterborough and Whitby
If you are seriously injured on the property due to the negligence of an occupier…